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Law & Medico-legal

Bawa-Garba. An inside-outsiders view... Bawa-Garba. An inside-outsiders view...
Cannabis 101... Cannabis 101...
Child abuse Non accidental injuries... Child abuse Non accidental injuries...
Criminal Prosecution - Where Do We Stand... Criminal Prosecution - Where Do We Stand...
Developing a Medical Surveillance Programme for Commercial Diving Contractors... Developing a Medical Surveillance Programme for Commercial Diving Contractors...
Family pressure and interference in clinical care decisions... Family pressure and interference in clinical care decisions...
Legal Reform & Criminalisation of Doctors - Part 1... Legal Reform & Criminalisation of Doctors - Part 1...
Legal Reform & Criminalisation of Doctors - Part 2... Legal Reform & Criminalisation of Doctors - Part 2...
Legislation and summary of changes in OH... Legislation and summary of changes in OH...
Litigation in a Failing Health System... Litigation in a Failing Health System...
NHI - Challenges to implementation... NHI - Challenges to implementation...
NHI: What now?... NHI: What now?...
NHI: What now? part 2... NHI: What now? part 2...
POPIA and the Healthcare Provider... POPIA and the Healthcare Provider...
Q & A: Legal Reform & Criminalisation of Doctors... Q & A: Legal Reform & Criminalisation of Doctors...
Q and A - Legal Implications of the NHI Bill... Q and A - Legal Implications of the NHI Bill...
Q and A - NHI: What now webinar... Q and A - NHI: What now webinar...
Q and A - Non-Accidental Injury in Children... Q and A - Non-Accidental Injury in Children...
Q and A - POPIA and the Healthcare Professional... Q and A - POPIA and the Healthcare Professional...
Reducing Medico-Legal Risk... Reducing Medico-Legal Risk...
Regulation; Good, Bad or Ugly... Regulation; Good, Bad or Ugly...
Remote Piloted Aircraft System South African Civil Aviation Authority... Remote Piloted Aircraft System South African Civil Aviation Authority...
Social Media Law... Social Media Law...
Social Media Law - panel discussion... Social Media Law - panel discussion...
The aviation legal framework and the DAME... The aviation legal framework and the DAME...
The Diving Regulations - What is new and how does it affect DMPs?... The Diving Regulations - What is new and how does it affect DMPs?...
The Legal Status of Medicinal Cannabis in SA... The Legal Status of Medicinal Cannabis in SA...
The Roe vs Wade Debate and Abortion in the SA Context... The Roe vs Wade Debate and Abortion in the SA Context...